Saturday, July 28, 2012

More drugs

I called the drs office to report my failure and plan for next ultrasound. They told me my dr is on vacation for 10 days so I'd have to wait. WTF? I already had to forego drugs last month! I convinced them to let me see the other dr. So. Net in yesterday and almost lost my cool. I was waiting, waiting and all the people came in to the office. A gay couple sat sown next to a woman who appeared well past her fertile years and they were chatting away about their twins and how great it is to have babies. Is a waiting room full of infertile couples the right place to have this discussion? Then I was half hour past my appointment, about to miss a work phone call. It's stressful. But then they called me in and the dr was pleased with my ovarian reserve. 7 follicles starting on right side. For some reason I don't know what he said about left. I told him I've had 4 failed IUI's and he looked at my chart. "you're 39!" no, next month I'll be 39. Anyway, he assigned me a huge dosage of Gonal f! 225ml. Last time I was on 75. But we have a different goal this time- to create more eggs. Now I'm sitting home waiting for the FedEx man. I'll miss Zumba if he's not here in the next 10 minutes. Being stuck in the house isn't so bad- I can clean. Now the risk of twins is 13%. In perspective, the rate of miscarriage is 25%. twins wouldn't be the end of the world. The first year would be really hard, and there are health risks, but then they'd have a permanent friend. Given that my last 4 eggs have resulted in zero, it's not clear 6 eggs would result in twins. I don't know how the dr calculates those odds.

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